Top 8 Benefits of Implementing an SFA solution for an FMCG Business

With emerging companies on the rise, SMBs are on the lookout for options to stay ahead in the market. The aim is to outperform their competitors and build customer trust at an early stage. The team that’s largely responsible to ensure everything in this regard is the field sales force. They stay at the forefront of business operations, communicating with hundreds of customers and partners, closing more sales, and generating revenue for your business.  

In this article, we will explore how small and medium-sized Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies can benefit from sales force automation solutions. 

Let’s dive right in.  

1. Reduce the Cost of Running Sales Operations: 

Aside from reducing the expenses related to running sales procedures on pen and paper, SFA helps in making and executing improved market inclusion plans through course enhancement and field sales application, DMS, and digitally connecting with the retailers through  WhatsApp / Viber / Messenger.  

It additionally reduces stock wastage and pilferages through stock development observing. This helps save plentiful expenses for the FMCG organization.  

2. Increase the Productivity of Individual Sales Reps: 

Sales Force automation guarantees that the usefulness of sales reps is expanded by productive administration of business activities, for example, sales pipe the board, sales estimating strategies, client profiling, sales lead global positioning framework, sales group execution evaluation, account the executives, request taking interaction, and Visual Merchandising reviewing.  

Sales Force Automation helps in diminishing monotonous and tedious however basic undertakings associated with sales. This not just permits sales reps to chip away at the action they are best at – Field Sales yet, in addition, builds the nature of their yield. 

3. Reduce the Wastage of Manpower: 

Suppose there’s a Sales Rep. Prior that Sales Rep may have been serving 200 retailers. Presently with the guide of computerized mediums, he could possibly serve 800 retailers altogether. 100 retailers may in any case require customary visits, while for the rest 700, he needs to visit according to requirement just, perhaps once every a couple of months.  

In previous days, a count of almost 800 retailers required quite a few sales reps while with the guide of sales force automation, a solitary sales rep is sufficient for 800 retailers. Aside from this in any event, for specific activities like client profiling, sales lead global positioning framework, sales group execution evaluation, account the executives, request taking cycle, and Visual Merchandising reviewing, very little or an unimportant measure of labor is required. 

4. Derive Intelligent Insights from Field Force Operations:

Sales Force Automation examinations information to uncover sales bits of knowledge and gauge future execution. Business supervisors use information investigation to build perceivability into sales exercises; find high or failing to meet expectations sales Reps, items, or correspondences; and decide future sales numbers. Information logical experiences can be utilized to further develop sales techniques and carry out a more unsurprising sales model.  

It gives a definitive investigation that helps business pioneers to audit and alter the sales model. 

5. Increase Sales from Priority Stores: 

Sales Force Automation utilizes an information-driven methodology that dissects ground information from the sales reps as various arrangements of information focuses, gathers this load of information, breaks it down, comprehends the sales capability of each store, and puts together it into classes, similar to need stores. This grouping depends on the sales capability of each store and is free of any sort of input or manual proposal.  

The Sales Leaders would then be able to design the recurrence of visits to a specific store, if a store has more potential, the recurrence of visits can be expanded for expanded sales. Different sales switches, for example, show missions and exchange plans can likewise be utilized in an exceptionally designated way to affect sales at such stores. 

6. Improve the Relationship with Retailer’s: 

Sales Force Automation assists organizations to viably design separated commitments with the retailers. This guarantees that the organization’s sales reps visit the retailers at ideal recurrence, invest the wanted face energy with them, pitch the right items and amounts to them, and pass on the fitting advancements plans and offers.  

Moreover, with the utilization of stages like WhatsApp, Viber, or Facebook Messenger; organizations can straightforwardly gather orders from retailers and keep a consistent get in contact. This half and half mix of streamlined commitment and direct advanced interface help in working on the relationship with the retailers and guarantee that they carry the greatest worth to the organization. 

7. Solve Problems in the Field Quickly:

Field force administrators are the most suitable individuals to tackle any issues which emerge inside their domains. Yet, they need exact and ideal bits of knowledge to have the option to contribute subjectively. In absence of suitable understanding, they act more like bosses who are just driving their groups and not driving them or tackling their issues.  

SFA stages identify issues in the field, force execution, and promptly bump the significant supervisors to make a speedy restorative move. For instance, if sales of a specific item begin going down at select stores inside a region, the stage identifies this issue and illuminates that applicable administrator to amend the circumstance. 

8. Run Business Goals on the Ground Efficiently: 

Sales Force Automation permits you to break association-level goals into singular goals for sales reps. It permits business pioneers to initially adjust their business goals and afterward set up SOPs as AI-fueled workflows. This guarantees that the sales reps and chief work at the most noteworthy productivity. 

A mix of goal-driven sales approach upheld with an effective workflow framework guarantees that not just the sales group accomplish organization-level goals yet additionally overachieve them. 

Summing Up:

Empowering your sales force to give their best is frequently the best indication of a solid business movement. With the right advanced stages, your sales group will approach technology that can make their lives such a ton simpler and will eventually reflect in your business collecting positive consideration and steadfastness from customers.  

Reach out to us to perceive how Propelsum can help your sales groups move the correct way through advanced change and automation.