Propelsum - Robotic process automation

Robotic Process Automation

Streamline your manual business process and increase work efficiency by automating mundane and repetitive tasks

Introducting Robotic process automation

Propelsum - RPA Consultation


Map manual processes that require automation and identify intervention models to be applied. Streamline productivity by creating a roadmap for automation rollout.

  • Assessment of the process initiated and strategy roadmap is prepared. 
  • Prepare report that includes the impact, result and risk factors of the RPA implementation.

Automation finder

Helps you determine which processes to automate based on the volume and repetitiveness & how much ROI can be achieved.

  • Help in mapping manual processes that require automation.
  • Workflow process with best potential automation is presented on dashboard with possible ROI.
Propelsum - RPA Automation finder
Propelsum - RPA demonstrate concept

Demonstrate concept

Proof of Concept (PoC) service provided on a small scale to show the process transformation with ROI and justify an enterprise-wide automation adoption.

  • Proof of concept allows to observe automation solution working with existing systems, applications, data and processes in their target environment. 
  • Demonstrates automation on the selected process that can bring development to a business in the long run. 


Structure and develop software bots with AI, ML, and several cognitive services for automation. We help you build an RPA Center of Excellence (CoE) to scale your RPA project.

  • Determine the operating model, governance, and process prioritization system
  • Manage the ongoing change management and communication plan.
Propelsum - RPA Implementation
Propelsum - RPA Support service

Support service

The support team manages, monitors, and optimizes RPA projects to manage your RPA infrastructure. Also offers RPA enhancements to ensure continuous improvement.

  • Deployment such as monitoring, alerts, process controlling, fixes, testing, build improvements etc.
  • Engage-per-need for troubleshooting, quick customizations, and design fixes.

Extensive features




24/7 workforce

Maintenance and support 

Secure and accurate 

Do you need a Robotic process automation service?

Yes, if you face any of the following challenges;

Difficulty in managing workflows and data-driven decision-making. 

Errors in performing repetitive tasks by employees. 

Multiple workmen allocation for repetitive tasks 

Although Increase in operational cost yet facing low productivity 

How does a Robotic process automation service help?

Configurations that automate manual, repeatable tasks.

Reduction of data entry and other manual errors.

Employees can focus on higher value add activities 

Customizable User Interface.

Automated Workflow and Swift Deployment 

Rapid ROI & 24×7 Operations 

Get the right Robotic process automation service to streamline your manual business process