Enterprise resource planning software

Fully integrated ERP solutions to increase your people & process efficiency, lower costs, and improve revenues & profitability

Introducing Enterprise resource management software

Financial accounting and compliance - Propelsum

Financial accounting and compliance

  • Financial accounting, GL, Cost/Profit centers
  • Financial reporting and fixed asset management
  • Costing, Budgets & period control 
  • Accounts Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP) management 
  • Cash & bank management 
  • Bank reconciliation and tax management 

Vendor & Procurement Management

  • Purchase planning
  • RFQs and Auctions
  • Comparative analysis and Landed cost management
  • Vendor & payments management 
  • Purchase order processing and Return management
  • Goods receipt and Quality control 
Vendor & Procurement Management - Propelsum
Production & Quality management - Propelsum

Production & Quality management

  • Multi-level Bill of material 
  • Production planning 
  • Stage wise production 
  • Machine, resource and expense allocation 
  • Machine maintenance and quality control 
  • Job work management
  • Material requirement planning 

Inventory & Warehouse Management

  • Stores & warehouse management 
  • Multi-level product management and Mobile stock taking
  • Multiple stocks and UOM management 
  • Batch-wise and serialized inventory  
  • Serial number and item codes 
  • Barcode / RFID support 
  • Stock hold and reserve 
Inventory & Warehouse Management - Propelsum
Sales and Distribution Management - Propelsum

Sales and Distribution Management

  • Customer management 
  • Marketing management 
  • Pricing and discount management 
  • Sales inquiry & order management 
  • Shipping and logistics management 
  • Returns management  

Asset & Project Management

  • Fixed asset masters, Cycle reports and financial status
  • Asset acquisition and capitalization 
  • Asset depreciation and amortization 
  • Transfer and Retirement 
  • Asset projects and Multiple project types and stages 
  • Project costing and progress tracking 
Asset & Project Management - Propelsum
Property Management - Propelsum

Property Management

  • Tenancy and sales contracts
  • Payment schedule and reminders 
  • Facility management & maintenance 
  • Contract expiry & Vacancy reports 
  • Shipping and logistics management 
  • Sale/rent process & customer profiling 

Retail Management

  • Point of sale (POS) with Dynamic retail pricing
  • Owned and franchise stores management 
  • Customer loyalty programs 
  • Stock transfer and inventory management
  • Purchase order and goods receipts 
  • Sales, deliveries and returns management
Retail Management - Propelsum
Human Resource Management - Propelsum

Human Resource Management

  • Timesheet, attendance and leave management.
  • Payroll processing 
  • Employee Self Service 
  • Centralized Employee Information 
  • Compliance for PT, PF, ESI and TDS

Customer Relationship Management

  • Marketing campaigns, leads and opportunities 
  • Customer and contacts management
  • Quotes and orders 
  • Service contacts and cases
Customer Relationship Management - Propelsum

Extensive features

Configurable Hierarchy

User roles and access control

Configurable widgets and dashboards

Report Builder

SMS & Email Integration

APIs for integrating

Alerts & Notifications

SaaS & On-Premise

Do you need Enterprise resource planning software?

Yes, if you face any of the following challenges;

Reduced visibility, control and efficiency due to dependence on manual processes in managing multiple business functions.

Reduced employee productivity, increased costs and uncompetitive pricing due to disconnected processes, operations, finances, human resources etc.

Poor analysis & decision-making ability because of fragmented information across multiple systems to manage different business functions.

Inferior products, low yield and unhappy customers as a result of manual processes for quality control, production and supply chain.

Difficulty in collaboration, unifying and aligning different departments to the organizational goal.

Difficulty in adhering to multiple regulations, statutory compliances and tax laws.

How does Enterprise resource planning software help?

Increased visibility, control and efficiency due to automated and pre-defined processes

Lowered costs, increased revenues & profitability as a result of fully integrated processes, operations, finances, human resources etc. 

Greatly improved analysis & decision-making ability due to consolidated information in a single system

Improved employee productivity, better production yield, superior product quality, competitive pricing and happy customers 

Unified, focused and motivated workforce and departments as a result of easy access to information and the ability to collaborate well

Better business ratings, access to funding, fewer notices & penalties, as a result of automated and simplified statutory & regulatory compliance, tax computation & filings

Get the right Enterprise resource planning software to improve your operational efficiency