Solution Partner
Expand your business with Zero-risk
Densify existing geographies and expand to new geographies
Extend sales channel
Get instant access to scores of sales specialists from across geographies and segments for faster and wider market penetration.
Increase business & customer reach
Densify in existing geographies and access new geographies & segments and discover deep insights of new markets segments
Zero-risk expansion
With our pay-per-performance business model, you avoid heavy investments and uncertain outcomes.
Equip your business to drive demand and growth
Create awareness, drive demand, generate leads, and increase sales
Drive demand and generate leads
With more feet-on-street, create awareness, promote, drive demand and generate leads for your offerings.
Equip your sales team
Source qualified leads in volumes and equip your sales resources to sell more and keep your business growing.
Offer your products to be sold directly by our sales specialists. Offer sales and technical support to increase sales multi-fold.
Why Propelsum?
Instant channel,
instant reach
Get instant access to our fastest
growing pool of curated sales
specialists. Reduce your
go-to-market time and efforts.
Power to you.
Choose what you need
Pick and choose what
you want from Propelsum.
Leads for sale, referral leads,
and sales-as-a-service.
Reduce cost
and investment
Save heavily on fixed cost of
infrastructure, hiring, training
and reduced learning curve of
sales teams.
Minimize uncertainty
Don’t let non-performance of
sales teams bother you.
translating to higher ROI.
More sales and revenues.
Faster growth
Increase your sales & bring in more
revenues with zero additional
investment and zero fixed cost.
Partner with us today
Have Questions?
How does Propelsum work for solution partners?
Propelsum is a demand creation, lead generation and sales platform that connects you (solution partners) with prospect customers through our network of sales specialists. When we onboard your products or services offerings on the platform, they will become available to our sales specialists to pick up and start working on. They will start promoting your offerings and identify potential leads for them.
How do I join Propelsum as a solution partner?
Sign up with your phone number, provide your business details and you are good to go.
What support is expected from me?
To enable sales specialists to promote your offerings effectively, you could offer training, online & offline sales support.
Is Propelsum involved in the sales process beyond lead generation?
Our sales partners are experienced sales professionals who can be involved with your sales process from lead generation to sale closure. Contact us to discuss how we can help you with sales beyond leads.
What is the fee charged by Propelsum?
We take pride in the fact that we offer our services on a pay-per-performance model. Which means, you only pay
1. for purchasing qualified leads or
2. the referral revenue when a referral lead coverts to a deal or
3. the sales revenue when a sale is closed by us
What is an offering?
Offerings are Products and Services that you offer and would like to be promoted by Propelsum. We promote these offerings to generate demand and leads.
What information am I required to provide for my offerings?
You will start by providing basic offering details like offering name, category, variants, budget etc. For effective marketing and promotion, we shall work with you to understand the target markets, business, geographies, customer challenges, requirements and more.
Can I add more than one offering?
There are no restrictions on the number products/ services that you could offer on Propelsum.
What’s the difference in a lead generated on Propelsum from other channels?
We at Propelsum focus and prioritize direct interaction with customer to understand the needs of the customers. We rely on leveraging existing relationships and creating new ones to derive insights into customer problems, and identify ways to help solve them. This results in a lead that is rich in context, detailed in contact information, and precise in timing, all of which help your sales team to have a well informed conversation with the prospect customer.
Who do you sell leads to?
We provide leads to multiple solution partners depending on its relevance to their offerings. However, we do offer an option to provide a lead exclusively to a solution partner if desired. We can provide you more information about exclusive leads as part of solution partner onboarding process.
Is a lead specific to my product?
At this time, leads are kept at a product/ service category level. That means, your product/ service will be identified with a category, and leads for those categories will be shared with you. In future, we do plan to offer business partner specific opportunities that are custom designed to showcase your offering.
How do I purchase leads?
Leads can be purchased by using points. The value of a lead will be displayed in points.
Can I report an issue with a lead?
Yes, you can report a lead for issues related to inaccuracies and non-relevance.
How can I report an issue?
Every lead you purchase will have an option in the lead details page to report an issue.
Will I get a refund for leads when an issue is reported
Yes, your points will be refunded to your account once we analyze and confirm the issue reported.
What geographies will I get leads from?
Our sales partners cover all major markets/ cities in India. You can select which geographies you want to focus on and your leads can be customized for that market.
What are points? How are points valued?
Points are a numeric value assigned to an account when a transaction is completed on the account. Transactions to could be selling of a lead, buying a lead, or redeeming points for cash. Each point is valued at INR 10.00
How do I purchase points?
You can purchase points directly on our website, or by contacting us.
Do points expire?
Points do not expire if you keep your account active. You will not lose your points due to inactivity. If you choose to close your account, your points balance at that time will be redeemed for cash and deposited to your bank account.
What about GST and other taxes?
Buying of leads is considered an economic activity. To that extent, taxes are calculated and applied when a financial transaction takes place. So, taxes in this case will be applied at the time points are purchased using cash or redeemed for cash.