Make every sales opportunity generate income for you

Fulfill any sales requirement without boundaries and benefit every time.

  • Benefit from every opportunity
    Capture and qualify any business requirement that’s not related to your offerings or is not serviceable by you.

  • Offer leads to Propelsum
    Offer these leads for direct sale or as referral leads or work on it yourself to fulfill the requirement.

  • Earn from it.
    Earn points for every lead you offer for sale, referral or every deal you help in closure.

Create new income opportunities

Help your customers and convert their needs into your opportunities

  • Discover & identify challenges
    Use Propelsum to discover and identify challenges and opportunities specific to the industries and business segments you work with.

  • Create need and demand
    Talk to your customers to identify or create need. Understand and qualify requirement at a high-level and generate leads.

  • Offer leads and earn
    Offer these leads for direct sale or as referral leads or work on it yourself to fulfill the requirement. Earn points for every qualified lead.

Why Propelsum?

More offerings, more opportunities
More offerings, 
more opportunities

Over 40 product & service 
ensure your revenue 
generation opportunities 
are never limited.

Power to choose. Be your own boss
Power to choose. 
Be your own boss

Pick and choose the 
offerings you want to promote, 
when you want to work and 
who you want to work with.

Curated everything, zero stress
Curated everything, 
zero stress

Curated offerings, pre-partnered
businesses, and best in the
industry revenues. Focus on 
earnings, leave stress out. 

Sales support, at every step
Sales support, 
at every step

We support and enable you at every step of sales process. Opportunity identification, training, marketing, technical & sales support.

More ways to earn,in the pipeline
More ways to earn,
in the pipeline

We keep adding new ways for you to earn more and grow faster. And we are always open to your suggestions to add new offerings!

Partner with us today

Have Questions?

What do I need to join Propelsum?

All you need is a mobile phone number that is verifiable. Once your basic account set-up is complete, you will immediately have access to all the offerings that you can start selling on the Propelsum platform.

I have already provided and verified my mobile number. Why do you need my email address?

We use email address as a secondary mechanism to reset your account password in case you are unable to access your mobile phone. We respect your privacy. We do not share your email with anyone outside Propelsum. Please read out Privacy policy for further information.

Is Propelsum open for everyone?

There are no limiting requirements on who can join Propelsum. Whether you are an experienced sales professional, or some one who is exploring sales, Propelsum will provide the right set of resources to help you be successful in your sales journey. 

I am a full-time employee in a sales role working for an employer. Can I join Propelsum?

As long as you can eliminate any conflict of interest with your current employer scope of work and offerings, you are welcome to join Propelsum in a personal capacity. We recommend you refer to your employer policies around any freelance services you want to provide.

Am I required to pay any fee for my subscription to Propelsum services?

There’s no fee to join Propelsum.

Do I have to sign any contract to join Propelsum?

We will provide you with our Terms and Conditions that we would like you to review and accept in order to establish an account with Propelsum. We do review these Terms and Conditions on a periodic basis to ensure we are accounting for the latest developments in business landscape, and meet with compliance and regulatory requirements.

How can I refer my friends/ colleagues to Propelsum?

Please follow the My Referral link to share with your friends. You can simply enter your friends mobile phone number and we’ll send a referral information to join Propelsum.

Is there a referral bonus available?

Yes – both you and your friend will receive a referral bonus when they signup and use Propelsum platform. Please review My Referral link for the latest on our referral bonus offerings.

I own a business that generates sales leads for an industry. Can I join Propelsum?

Yes, the process for signing up with Propelsum is the same as for businesses wanting to join as sales partners. You can provide your organization information in your account profile, after initial account set-up is complete.

As part of my business, I have a sales team who generates leads. Can I create accounts for this teams, and manager their accounts?

Businesses can create accounts for multiple team members working for an organization. While these accounts will be set-up as individual accounts, they can be mapped to a business organization. Also, payments for the leads can be consolidated across related accounts, and made to an organization instead of the individual accounts.

Please contact us to further discuss options on setting up accounts for an organization.

What are offerings?

Offerings are solutions that our business partners are currently offering, which you can offer your customers to meet their needs. Offerings can be product or service categories that can be targeted in a particular market segment, industry, geographic area, etc.

Are there any restrictions to what products or services I can offer to my clients?

While there is no limit to how many products/ service categories you want to focus on, it is best to build on these based on your analysis of clients needs, as well as your understanding of these problem areas. We will provide you the necessary information that will get you started with the offering.

How will I know what offerings I can work with?

Identifying offerings to work on, will be a process of discovery. It will depend on a combination of your existing client needs, as well are your areas of interest. That said, we make the process a little easy for you. We will suggest offerings that match your areas of expertise, client and industry relationships. 

What are business contacts?

This is contact information of the customer representative who can be reached out to followup on a lead.

What do you do with the business contact information I enter?

We value the privacy of our customers utmost. The contact information for a lead is only shared with potential solution providers who purchase the leads. This information will not be shared with any other external parties.

What else do you use the business contact information for?

Propelsum uses your business contacts information, to provide you with recommendations on new sales offerings for these contacts. These offering recommendations are made available only to the contact owner i.e., you.

I have a lead for a sales offering. What do I do now?

You create a lead on Propelsum, and provide the necessary information like business need, customer details, location of the lead, likely size of the deal etc. and submit the information. This will create a lead in the system, and you can track the status of the lead from that point.

What happens to the leads that I submit?

The lead you submitted goes through a series of steps where we verify and add any other relevant information that will be helpful for our business partners. Once this is complete, we will mark this lead as verified, and the points will be added to your account.

What are points? How are points valued?

Points are a numeric value assigned to an account when a transaction is completed on the account. Transactions to could be selling of a lead, buying a lead, or redeeming points for cash. Each point is valued at INR 10.00 

How can I earn points?

You earn point in a few ways –
a.      By selling leads
b.     By referring your friends to the platform
c.     By participating in special campaigns

How can I redeem points from the account for cash?

Points can be redeemed any time your account balance has 200 points. You can redeem points in increments of 100 points. You can request a redemption for points from within your account by going to the Account dashboard or transaction details. 

Do points expire?

Points do not expire if you keep your account active. You will not lose your points due to inactivity. If you choose to close your account, your points balance at that time will be redeemed for cash and deposited to your bank account. 

What about GST and other taxes?

Selling of leads is considered an economic activity. To that extent, taxes are calculated and applied when a financial transaction takes place. So, taxes in this case will be applied at the time points are purchased using cash or redeemed for cash.

Have more queries?